Flexible Working Policy

Flexible Working Policy for Technology Businesses
Flexible Working Policy Hero

Why do you need a Flexible Working Policy?

Once an employee has been with a company for 26 weeks, they have a statutory right to make a formal request to change certain provisions in their employment contract. these changes can range from the hours and days they work, to the location of work.

What is a Flexible Working Policy?

A flexible working policy lays out the steps the employer will follow when handling a flexible working request. The policy will explain to an employee how a decision will be reached and what factors will be considered. The flexible working policy will also ensure no discrimination and/or unfair bias.

Table of contents

View the contents of a Flexible Working Policy

Key facts

Get the key facts for a Flexible Working Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

The usual starting place is by sending a clear and concise formal letter addressed to the employer. This should outline their current working situation, the suggested changes and the impact it will have on the employee and the business. Of course, an employee should familiarise themselves with any policy the company has in place first.

Currently there are 8 reasons that an employer can refuse a flexible working request:
  • it will cost the business too much;
  • the employer cannot reorganise the work among other staff;
  • the employer is unable to recruit more staff;
  • quality of work will decline;
  • the business will not be able to continue its standards towards its customers;
  • performance will go down;
  • there is not enough work to do in the hours the employee has requested;
  • or the business is undergoing a change and the request does not fit with these changes.

This is a “Forever Template”

We will continually update this template with the frequent Microsoft updates such as CSP and other flow down terms, plus we will update the relevant terms to ensure you can claim as many rebates as possible, and get recognised by Microsoft such as CPoR, (Claims Partner of Record) DPoR (Digital Partner of Record), and PAL (Partner Admin Link).

We will also continually update this template as the law changes, for example, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the effects of Brexit on our laws, as we untangle ourselves from the European Union.

Used by
  • Managed Services Providers
  • ISV, Software, Apps and IP
  • System Integrators Professional Services Consultancy Partners
  • Hosting Partners
  • Licensing Partners
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Kim Simmonds Founder and CEO

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